Make Something

Pearl and a Paper Bag Mermaid (Free Printable!)

A puppet as pretty as a Pearl.

By Hollis  8/21/21

(This book and craft combo was featured on Hullabaloo's Instagram page this summer as part of our virtual Camp Hullabaloo. Love books and crafts? Check out our subscription series Club Hullabaloo for even more fun!) 

We LOVE Molly Idle ‘s beautiful book Pearl and its perfect message that even the tiniest person can do big, amazing things. If that’s not a Hullabaloo-approved message, we don’t know what is! We were so in love that we decided you needed a little Pearl too! This mermaid paper bag puppet is super fun and can be as detailed or as simple as you like. Plus we’ve created a Camp Hullabaloo printable with the parts and instructions just for you! Click HERE and print to get started.

Make a Pearl Paper Bag Puppet!

You’ll need:


Small paper bag


Black marker


Glue stick

Hole punch


Get Started:

1.) Cut out the different pieces on your printable and glue it in place like in the picture above. Trim the bottom corners of your bag to follow the line of the mermaid tail.

2.) We love how Pearl is a beautiful pink ombré. Her pretty upper body transitions perfectly into her mermaid tale, no seashell bra required! We had fun mixing our paints to create a pink hombre but you can color your mermaid whatever you want. Purple! Blue! Rainbow! Any color would be beautiful.

3.) While your painted bag is drying, cut several lengths of yarn about 18 inches long (for long haired puppets. 6 inches works for short hair). Once dry, punch a series of holes across the top of your bag and thread your yarn through the holes. (You can wrap tiny pieces of tape around the end to help with the threading.) Knot short hair in place, long hair stays put as is. 

4.) Use your marker to draw in the face. As a special bonus, we glued a white pony bead between her hands because Pearl wouldn’t be Pearl without her pearl!

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